Call for Student Reviewers! Applications are Open to Join the PWQ Student Advisory Board

Call for Student Reviewers! 

Applications are Open to Join the PWQ Student Advisory Board

Interested in learning about, and contributing to, the peer review process for a journal? Then consider joining Psychology of Women Quarterly’s Student Advisory Board. All GRADUATE STUDENTS with research interests in feminist psychology are welcome to apply. (To our undergrad members, we’ll see you in the future!)

What is Involved:

As a member of the Board, you will be invited to contribute your own mentored review of submitted manuscripts. Your review will be considered by the action editor throughout the review process, and we will give you helpful feedback about your review (as well as share with you a masked copy of our decision letter to the author and all other reviews). In sum, joining the Board is a great way to get an insider’s look at the review process.

As a member of the Board, your name will appear on the masthead of each issue of the journal. Appointments are for one year and may be continued so long as you remain a graduate student and respond to our requests in good faith. We do monitor how many manuscripts you have, to avoid overlapping and too frequent requests. As of now, we anticipate that most students will handle 1-2 manuscripts per year. You may decline a request, especially if you think a paper is not a good fit for your area of expertise; however, we ask that you accept most invitations and complete a review within the specified time period, typically two to three weeks. We also will share a helpful handout with you about how to conduct constructive and useful reviews. Our hope is that you’ll get hooked on doing reviews – and may become a future editor!

How to Apply: 

If you are interested, please email your application, with the following subject line, “Last Name, First Name_PWQ SAB Application 2016” (e.g., Rubin, Lisa_PWQ SAB Application 2016) to Anna Hillary, Assistant Editor (, by Monday, May 16th. 

In your email, include the following information:  

·       Complete the attached Application Cover Page (use link if attachment doesn't come through)

·       Submit a one-paragraph statement of your interests and experience in psychology, particularly as it relates to the aims and scope of PWQ. Please include your areas of emerging expertise, both in terms of content area and method(ology).

·       Tell us if you have served on any other editorial board, including PWQ.

·       Include an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae

If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at Please do note that openings are limited, although we will do our best to include as many students as possible. Division 35 Membership is not required, but is highly encouraged at the time of application.