Feminist Spaces Call for Papers

Feminist Spaces Call for Papers

contact email: feministspacesjournal@gmail.com

Feminist Spaces is now accepting student submissions for its second issue to be published in March of 2015.

Feminist Spaces invites undergraduate and graduate students from universities worldwide to submit academic essays, creative writings, or multimodal/artistic pieces that adhere to this issue’s theme of women and technology throughout history and across cultures. These pieces may investigate, but are not limited to, the following topics:

--The professional presence of women in technology-driven enterprises
--Women’s role in the advancement of emergent technologies
--Women’s scholarly participation in technology-related discourses within and outside of the academy
--Technologies that have aided or further complicated women’s health in a variety of contexts (i.e. physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, etc.)
--Digital feminisms and the social impacts of trending hashtags that concern women
--Technological mediations of race and/or class specific to women’s experiences
--Medical and recreational technologies that concern LGBTQI communities
--Creative works that explore women’s relationship to advancing technological theories, media, or devices

Please ensure that all written submissions adhere to the guidelines and conventions set forth by the Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition. Standard essays must be emailed in .rtf, .doc, or .docx form, and should not exceed 3,000 words, single-spaced at a 12 pt font. All artistic submissions must be submitted electronically in universally compatible formats.

Deadline for submission is Friday, February 6th, 2015, with a tentative release date scheduled for early March.

Please forward all works and inquires to feministspacesjournal@gmail.com, or http://feministspacesjournal.org/submissions.