Homosexuality, Kinky Sex, & the DSM

Program: Colloquium presentation

From what do we suffer? Is it from a disordered psyche, iatrogenic disorder, or violations of societal rules? This lecture will discuss the Sexual Disorders section of the new DSM-V, particularly the paraphilias, gender identity disorders, and their justification and validity for treatment. 

Where: Thompson 136

When: Monday, April 22, 2013
Time: 10:00am – 11:45am

Charles Silverstein, Ph.D. 

Charles Silverstein, Ph.D. 

Who: Dr. Charles Silverstein is best known for his activism within the radical gay movement of the 1970s, his publications, and his founding gay-affirming psychotherapy services for the LGBT community. He was the psychologist who made the presentation for the deletion of homosexuality as a mental disorder from the American Psychiatric Association’s manual of disorders called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. He also led the attack upon any attempt to change the sexual orientation of gay people, and particularly the use of electrical aversion therapy.

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How to Survive a Plague


Program: Movie Screening; Discussion/Q&A with Director & Sexual Health Psychologist; Reception to Follow

Come watch this Oscar-nominated documentary about the early years of the AIDS epidemic and speak firsthand with the director and co-writer of the film which earned him the John Schlessinger Award. The author of The AIDS Generation: Stories of Survival and Resilience and faculty of Applied Psychology, Public Health & Medicine at NYU will also dialogue about the history and its impact today. Survivors and interviewees from the documentary and book will be in attendance.

When: March 13, 2013, 5:00 -9:00pm

Featuring: David France, Director & Co-writer; Perry Halkitis, Ph.D., Researcher & Author